This is a reminder from the Lochmere Board of Directors that Lochmere covenants do not allow the regular parking of vehicles in the street.
Article 3. Section 7: states, “No automobiles, trucks, tractors, boats, campers, or trailers shall be regularly parked within the right-of-way of any street in or adjacent to Lochmere”
Please park in your garage or driveway.
There are many reasons why parking in the street is not desirable.
- Streets in Lochmere are fairly narrow and it is difficult and dangerous to pass parked vehicles.
- Children and parents walking to and from school bus stops are at risk because they have to walk around vehicles.
- Children can run out from behind parked vehicles and be hit by oncoming vehicles.
- Residents have difficulty in backing out of the driveway when neighbor’s vehicles are parked on the street.
- It detracts from the neighborhood.
- The post office can have difficulty delivering mail when vehicles are parked too near mailboxes.
- It makes it more difficult for emergency vehicles to navigate our streets when cars are parked there.
- Sanitation and road cleaning trucks have a much harder job navigating our streets when vehicles are parked at the curb.
The Board can call those who do not adhere to the covenant to a Hearing and impose fines.
Any questions or concerns should be referrred to Community Manager, Andy Siouville, at or 919-233-7640.